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Jane Hardy – 2021 Kayaker of the Year

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

It is long overdue to give tribute to a great kayaker, an early SDKC leader, serving many years as the club president, and valued member of our kayaking community. Jane has been a leader and helper to many on trips and numerous skills sessions she has led… and a great friend to many of us. In putting this article together, it was decided to ask several people to contribute photos and comments. You may learn, as I have, some new things about Jane. She is an accomplished world traveler and adventurer, going to many wonderful destinations for hiking and kayaking. People from as far away at the UK sent some amazing photos (and a video, which will be posted at a later date). Looking through all the photos, it is a trip down memory lane, covering a time-span of several years with old friends. And what a pleasure it is to know her, because the best part of life is who we have the privilege of knowing.

It is natural for Jane to be a Sea Kayaker, as she has salt in her veins. She grew up in New England, often helping her dad on his lobster boat. You have to work fast and efficiently on those boats, often in rain, cold and wind, all while watching your feet so the line does not wrap around them and drag you overboard to the bottom. She is very comfortable in sea conditions that would turn back many of us, and is always willing to try new experiences to test her skills and ability. And that is how she has become a very accomplished kayaker. She is in a relatively small group of kayakers who have paddled the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Jane also loves the mountains, and is a great person to have on any trip. She has hiked and kayaked in at least 12 countries, and several states, including Alaska. I’m sure that if we could see all the photos of her on these trips, they would fill several albums. The following photos and comments are randomly presented. So, we raise our glass to you Jane…

Baja – Photo by Donna Sylvester
Whale watch paddle in 2009, La Jolla Shores
Hebrides, UK – Photo by Steve Banks

“I would suggest changing the award to Kayaker of the Decade. No one’s resume comes close to the things Jane has experienced over the last few years. Northern California/SF Bay, Fort Bragg, Channel Islands, Kern River, Grand Canyon, UK, countless hours of BCU instruction, and Croatia, are just a few of Jane’s adventures that come to mind. I suspect there are many more I am not even aware of. Not to mention all she has done for San Diego and So Cal. paddling.”      -John Brindle

Colorado River, Grand Canyon – Photo by Teresa Boli
Grand Canyon – Photo by Teresa Boli

“My awesome trips with Jane as illustrated by these photos (above) from Grand Canyon, circa 2009.  She was always geared up, organized, and rarin’ to hit the water. Photo of rapid descent (you can imagine how big the Grand Canyon rapids are): she would attack challenges like whitewater kayaking the Grand Canyon with a positive attitude and always set her sights on improving her skills.  Photo of waterfall: Jane is always so much fun out of a kayak, too. A kayak trip with Jane is always fun, full of learning, excitement, and fun.”   -Teresa Boli

Mission Bay Skills Practice – Photo by Joe Morin
Sierras 2013
Colorado River below Hoover Dam 2009
“Perching”, Mendocino 2010 – Photo by Dennis Hyndman

“I first met Jane in 2005 and have shared a number of great times on the water with her. She was then, and continues to be, someone who is always improving her skills in order to tackle anything the ocean can throw at her. More importantly, she has the competence to enjoy the ocean in all its moods.  Jane was a much better surf kayaker than I ever could hope for.  On a Mendocino trip, I remember trying to figure out the surf in my small boat, just to see Jane gracefully surfing to perfection.  I didn’t spend a lot of time with her in the surf, but that moment has stuck with me as she was, once again, pure calm and having fun on the water.”     . -Dennis Hyndman

Dore Holm, Shetland 2015 – Photo by Steve Banks
Cuba 2017 – Photo by Lori Nickerson

“You will often find me hanging out with Jane, because she’s usually right in the middle of where the fun is happening!!”     -Lori Nickerson (Cuba, 2017)

Wednesday Morning Paddle 2012
Shetland UK – Photo by Steve Banks
Skills Practice 2013 – Photo by Joe Morin

“Jane Hardy is as bad-ass as they come! She’s kayaked the Grand and all through Europe: and she’s hiked all over the world. She’s led skills sessions encouraging all to try their best. San Diego is lucky to have her!  There is no mountain too high and no body of water too full of motion for Jane. I’m happy and proud to call her a friend and mentor. Big Hugs.”  -Sheri Belling

Sierras 2012
Shetland 2018 – Photo by Steve Banks
Papa Stour, Shetland UK -Photo by Steve Banks

“Croatia, May of 2010, one of the many ‘excellent adventures’ I’ve had the privilege of going on with Jane.  You couldn’t ask for a better travelling companion.  When Jane has the helm, you know you’re in good hands.”       -John Nickerson

Off Point Loma 2009
Sierras 2012
Hanging out at Aqua Adventures 2007

“I met Jane many years ago when I was taking my first ever kayak lessons. They were in San Diego with Jen Kleck. One day Jen sent us out to do rescue practice with Jane and your group. She welcomed us and included us in her skills practice. Since then, we became good friends, have taken many kayak courses and joyfully paddled together in many parts of the world. Jane is the most positive person I know. She always makes the best of every situation. I’ve never heard her say anything bad about anyone or any place. Fortunately for all of us, her positivity is contagious. I have a ton of photos of Jane from Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, Baja (Pacific and Sea of Cortez), San Francisco, Redding, Mendocino and who knows where else. I have many stories, but just say Donna said “It’s your turn, Jane”. She will laugh.”           -Donna Sylvester

Mission Bay 2008
Christmas paddle 2019 – Photo by John Vermeule

“Having done 4 Star training with her, I recall Jen one day calling me at home and saying there was a small craft advisory for the following day with gale force winds.  Did I want to go out and work on our rough water skills?  I jumped at the opportunity and was glad to see a group of very accomplished paddlers when we launched from Mission Bay.  The day was a bit crazy as we didn’t get out of the channel before someone capsized and then one paddler got seasick north of the PB Pier.  We had to call the life guard to remove him from the water.  After towing an empty boat and practicing various tows scenarios we landed on a crashing beach at the Marine Room.  I remember that Jane said it was good to have her friends on the water with her that day.  I seconded the thought.”        -Dennis Hyndman

Orkney Island, Scotland – Photo by Donna Sylvester
Ireland 2015 – Photo by Donna Sylvester
“At the Helm” – Photo by John Nickerson

“I first met Jane paddling in Baja when I was over in San Diego and filled in for an absent staff member on a trip.  Jane then put me and my partner Ursula and then baby son Ralf up for 3 months in 2011 whilst I was conducting research in California.  She has since been over to stay with us on about 10 occasions and has joined about the same number of sea kayak trips which I run.  Like all the other folk who repeatedly come on my trips, Jane has fallen in love with the NW of Scotland, including Skye and the Hebrides in particular. Shetland however, takes the prize for most outstanding paddling destination on the planet (I’m biased but not much!).  Shetland has many of the world’s biggest and longest sea caves and has hundreds of miles of coastline which are a ‘Swiss cheese’ of stacks, cliffs and caves packed with amazing wildlife. All Jane’s British paddling friends send their regards and missed her on the recent trips.” -Dr. Steve Banks, UK

Baja 2014 – Photo by Steve Huemmer
Baja 2014 – Photo by Steve Huemmer
Baja 2014 – Photo by Steve Huemmer
Baja 2014 – Photo by Steve Huemmer

“I can only echo what others have said:  wonderful companion on all paddles and adventures, always curious and determined to improve her paddling skills and knowledge, and to generously share it with others.  It is safe to say that the Club owes its continued existence to her consistent efforts and leadership.” -Steve Huemmer

Wales – Photo by Donna Sylvester

December 5th Ocean Paddle

Jane Hardy led a group of 13 paddlers out of Aqua Adventures on a crisp and calm morning up to the Pacific Beach Pier.

Jane sporting our cool club hat
Jane sporting our cool club hat
Dana Voss
Other paddlers not shown in photo
Thanks to Dana Voss for the last 7 photos – Come join us on the next paddle!

October 31, 2020 Skills Session

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

Jane Hardy has been leading weekly skills sessions, with consistently good turn-out. Fourteen paddlers showed up for this one, and the weather and water temp were nice. Thank you Jane for your contribution and leadership in this effort.

Jane on a roll / past photo

Our website contains considerable information on kayaking skills, presented in step-by-step procedures. Click on the Skills tab at the top of this page to view that.

Debbie, Dave and I took a few minutes to discuss some up-coming paddles for the club, and we’ll let you know about those in the future. In the meantime, Dave is still leading the Wednesday evening paddles out of AA, and you are welcome to join in. They launch at 6pm, and you can rent a boat from AA in advance if needed.

Debbie and Dave

2019 June Lake Trip Report

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

We had mostly great weather this year in the Sierras while watching the Aspens turn color (they were green at the campground when we arrived, and yellow when we left).

We paddled Silver Lake and Gull Lakes, and hiked to Parker Lake.

Jennifer’s parents and daughter joined us, and they entertained us with songs from the Sound of Music as we hiked. Each night we went to different restaurants for dinner and had good conversations. It was a relaxing, beautiful trip, and time well spent. Hope you can join us in the future.

Sitka Trip Report

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

In June of 2019 fifteen of us ventured to Alaska, this time to a very special place with a Russian name. We had several paddles on the bay, and at a lake nearby that we were flown to in a float plane with an amazing pilot. The Swing EX inflatable boats performed well, and we are already planning our next trip in 2020 to Austria.

Kevin’s modified Cessna 185 that he has mastered the art of flight in
Mary getting ready to paddle Redoubt Lake

We were able to launch at the dock in front of our hotel, which was very convenient. After our paddles we would walk around town to the shops and museums, go on hikes, and gather at several restaurants to dine. Sitka is a very cool place to visit and a wonderful place to paddle. The water is clear and calm, protected by the many islands that dot the bay. We could see starfish 20 feet down, and got up close to several bald eagles. Everyone had a fun and memorable time.

First day getting our boats ready to launch.
Taking a lunch break on “Friendly Island”…
Janet and David looking at an eagle

We had four main sponsors for this trip. Innova Kayaks gave us a good discount on the boats, the Totem Square Hotel gave us discounts, Kevin Mulligan of Baranautica Air Service gave us special treatment and hats when flying us to the lake, and West Marine gave us cool water repellent hats and gear discounts. We also received help in letting us launch from the dock from Wayne and Joel of FishBaranof.

Thom showing he can paddle…without a paddle.
Jennifer looking good in her boat
Our hotel is just right of center. Thanks to Eric Emerson for taking this and two other photos here.
Mark took this photo after 10 pm. The fishing never stops in summer with 20 hours of daylight.

Beginner’s Class Report

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

The Club hat-sales-proceeds free class for beginners held on 4/27/19 was conducted under ideal weather/temperature conditions at Aqua Adventures.

The class covered introductory basics of getting in and out of a kayak at a dock, holding the paddle, the low brace, and the forward, back, sweep, J, and scull strokes.

We then practiced the power forward stroke, using the legs and torso, and discussed some safety issues like hugging the shore, crossing a busy channel, and the signal light.

We also discussed having some second level introductory classes, which are now being planned. Those classes will be called “Basic Safety Instruction”, and will cover the wet exit, self-rescue using the paddle float, assisted re-entry using the heel-hook, T-rescue, quick tow rescue, dealing with extreme temperature, lightning, fog and wind, hugging the shoreline, using a VHF or phone, crossing a busy channel, the buddy system, group travel, using a signal mirror and/or flag, filing a Float Plan, and the signal light. These classes are open to those who have already taken the Beginner’s Class, or have evidence they know those basic skills.  

Many thanks to AA, and to Gary Billick and Jesse Nodora for assisting in the instruction.

A great day on the water…

South Bay Paddle Report

-by Jay Murdock, SDKC Safety Editor

Ten people paddled on Saturday, March 30th to see the National Wildlife Refuge in the south part of San Diego Bay.

The elusive turtles did not come to the surface where we paddled, and are rarely seen (they come up for a quick breath, then are gone). We did see fish jumping, and several birds, including a pair of Ospreys in a nest provided by the Refuge (below).

The weather was beautiful, and a slight head-wind on the way back gave us a mild challenge. We ended the paddle with some sightseeing in the Coronado Cays, then had lunch in the park where we launched. It was a good day on the water.

Whale Watch Paddle a Success

Twelve paddlers ventured out on Sunday, January 27 from Aqua Adventures on a calm ocean and perfect weather. Debbie Van Martin and Dave Beckmann led the paddle, and our thanks to them for doing that.

Three whales were spotted in the distance to the west. A few paddlers tried to catch up to them, and were able to get a little closer, but those whales were in a hurry to go south.

Our thanks to Catherine Kimball and Debbie Van Martin for these photos.

The next club paddle will be in April, launching out of the Coronado Cays to see the wildlife of the south bay. Come join us to experience the quiet openness of that area, and calm waters. There will be a picnic after the paddle. Beginners, youth 12 and up, and all boat types are welcome on this paddle.

The Club’s Future and What YOU Can Do…


Some of the people who have given much of their time and effort over the past several years have recently turned over the “reins” to others. Many thanks to Jane Hardy, Teresa Boli, and Gilbert Siegel for serving the kayak community here, and we are grateful to them. They will still be involved in club activities where they can. Jane will continue to lead some advanced skills sessions, and we will see Gilbert and Teresa on the water also.


Debbie Van MartinDebbie Van Martin has become our new “Social Events Coordinator”, and will be announcing some events in the future to bring people together in fun ways. She is high energy, a great cook, very interesting to talk to, and a lot of fun to be around.



Dave BeckmannDave Beckmann has been leading a “Meet Up” group on Wednesday nights for several years, and will now be doing that for the club also. Dave is skilled in kayaking (you can see him performing a snappy “roll” on our website in Skills), and has experienced some interesting paddles back east. Come paddle with him and others each Wednesday at 5:30pm (launch at 6pm). Boat rentals are available through Aqua Adventures at a special rate of $15 for these paddles.

You can check out Debbie’s and Dave’s “Bio” on our website:


Starting December 14th our cool club hats (in Kaki, Chrome, and Black) will be on sale again at Aqua Adventures (AA) for $20. The hat sales proceeds will be used to pay for lessons and activities to foster club growth and events, so help us in this effort by purchasing a few. They make great gifts and will help the club in many ways. We do not have any membership dues, so this is the way we will pay for things. Please help support our club in this promotional effort. It’s a win-win: you get a new hat, the club gets a new member, and someone gets a free introductory lesson.


In order to help the club grow, each hat sale will provide one free lesson to someone wanting to experience an introduction to kayaking. In a joint effort with AA, once we have at least 6 hats sold, and 6 people signed up (and signed up as new club members), we will have a Beginner’s Lesson at AA, lasting for an hour or so. AA will provide the equipment and dock help (that the club pays for), and the club will provide instructors. The lesson will go over just the basics, allowing a person to get in a kayak and learn a few paddle strokes and basic boat handling. More advanced skills lessons will then be available through AA for those who want to pursue this sport. We need club volunteers to help teach the Beginner’s Lessons, so please reply to me if you can assist in this. It would be great to have a ratio of one-on-one. This would also help new people make friends with those already in the club. Mentoring is the way to grow our club.


We need people to help lead paddles, teach the Beginner’s Lessons, and assist with social events. Let Debbie or me know what you can do to help foster our club’s events. If you are a young person, we especially want you to help lead the club’s future with the next generation, passing on this great sport to others. Anyone is welcome to contribute an article on kayaking on our club website. 


Debi Nolan is now preparing the space where the deli was for years, with plans to open sometime in April or May. There will be live entertainment on weekends and others times and will be open during extended hours. I have already discussed with Debi having a club party there, which should be very fun. Having this next to AA should bring more people to paddling, and is exciting news for everyone. She already has a cart out front to sell some food and beverage, so stop by and meet her. I don’t know if she paddles, but we will get her in a boat… J


AA has a good variety of decked and SOT boats to rent. You can find their website by the link on the club’s home web page for their shop info. They are committed to stocking more kayak items, so stop in to give any suggestions you want to see them carry. Congrats and many thanks to Craig and Ashleigh for their beautifully renovated shop, and all the hours they put in to grow the sport of paddling. We value the club’s partnership with them, and are grateful they are doing so much for us, TRR, and other worthy organizations in this area.