Skills Practice

September 12, 2015 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am
Aqua Adventures
1548 Quivira Way
San Diego, CA 92109


Let’s tune up our skills before the water cools off. We’ll use the usual format – buddy up and work on whatever suits you. Generally the veterans join in to help coach, so novice paddlers are welcome to get wet with us, and be prepared for plenty of laughs.

Rally at 8:30 am, then paddle over to Mariner’s Cove, where there’s a nice beach and bathrooms. Warm paddling clothes or a dry top/dry suit are recommended.

These paddles are not sanctioned San Diego Kayak Club or Aqua Adventures events. The announcer of this event is not the leader of such, merely a “coordinator.”

Disclaimer: We will have experienced paddlers on this trip, but they will not be responsible for telling you what is or is not safe for you to do. We watch out for one another and assist one another, but all individuals are responsible for, and manage their own safety. This responsibility includes assessing your gear, skill level, and physical conditioning relative to conditions and location, as well as making decisions about what you will or will not do. Participants acknowledge that kayaking on the open sea or bay is inherently dangerous and can lead to physical injury including death as well as property damage. Participants, on their behalf and on behalf of their heirs and assignees, agree to hold the announcers and other participants blameless in the event of such injury, damage or death. Please join us if you want to mildly stretch your capabilities, but please stay home if you would be wildly stretching them. Participants should have bracing skills, be able to self-rescue and assist in the rescue of others. They should be able to launch and/or land in small surf.